As we move forward into the next ten years, the community aspects offered by My developerWorks will allow deeper connections between people at all levels of technical interest. 当我们进入下一个十年之时,MydeveloperWorks提供的社区将进一步连接各个技术层面的人们。
The Java Patterns community might be of particular interest as a portal for pattern resources from a Java language perspective. JavaPatterns社区作为一个门户,也许对提供Java语言的模式资源相当感兴趣。
Finally, you should evaluate the system's effectiveness by directly measuring the user community's satisfaction in finding information of interest. 最后,您应当直接度量用户群在查找相关信息方面的满意度,从而评估系统的有效性。
A community is an interconnected group of people with similar areas of interest. 社区是一组兴趣领域相似的互相连接的人员。
But his loss is only a small portion of that sustained by the community, since what was devoted to the use and consumption of the proprietor was only the interest; 挥霍者的损失也仅仅是社会所遭受的损失的一小部分,因为可以供债主使用和消费的只是利息;
Unless or until a global political community emerges, politics will respond only to perceptions of national interest. 除非(或直到)世界上出现一个全球政治共同体,否则政治将只会对国家利益的感知做出反应。
The key to building a prosperous and stable East Asia is to strengthen a sense of regional community by identifying areas of common interest such as energy, the environment, income disparities, AIDS and piracy and working jointly on them step by step. 要建立一个繁荣稳定的东亚,关键是强化一种地区意识,其途经是确认有共同利益的领域如能源、环境、收入差异、艾滋病和盗版活动并在这些方面逐步实现合作。
If, overall, there appears to be a community of interest, a partnership is found. 如果综观全局,发现有利益之共同,就可认定是合伙。
A community is a combination of individuals sharing the same interest, interests or something else. 一个社区即具有相同兴趣、利益或其它东西的个体的一个集合体。
Founded in1983 as the American Academy of Algology, AAPM is a professional community of physicians and their pain treatment teams with a sustained interest in pain disorders and their management. 成立于1983年,美国儿科研究院是一家专业藻类学AAPM社区的医生和他们的疼痛治疗的兴趣,球队与持续疼痛障碍的分类、管理。
The transformation of NATO from a military ally to a security community within the scope of NATO is in the interest of regional stability and security. 北约从军事联盟向北约范围内的安全共同体的转变,有利于地区的安全和稳定。
Students 'community of theory study is an important channel of strengthening the work of ideology and politics in schools. Because of its particularity, it is not often so prosperous as other types of interest community. 理论学习型社团是加强学校思想政治工作的重要渠道,由于理论学习型社团的特殊性,往往不如其它兴趣型社团繁荣。
Along with the development of social politics and economy, this destiny community had changed into one of interest. 但是随着社会政治、经济的发展,这种命运共同体已经变成一种利益共同体。
Change of Urban Society: Community Differentiation and Differentiation of Interest Colony 城市社会变迁:社区分化与利益群体分化
Local government is part of interest community, and a representative of local public interest; 本文地方政府是利益共同体的一部分、地方公共利益的代表者;
The virtual community is the place where people gather to communicate out of the common interest and need. 虚拟社区是一个供人们围绕某种兴趣或需求集中进行交流的地方。
Mini rural community of interest means the aggregate of many people provided with homology or similar life style. 乡村小型生活共同体是指乡村中具有相同或相似的生活方式的人群组成的集合。
Set up a community of common interest to perfect the contracted responsibility system 建立利益共同体完善承包责任制
Public decision-making is an important means to coordinate the interests of the community relations for the purpose of an authoritative distribution of social resources and social interests to achieve the maximization of public interest. 公共决策作为协调社会利益关系的重要手段,其目的是对社会资源和社会利益进行权威性分配,实现公共利益的最大化。
However, in the rural areas in western China, the concept of community is still very weak. Due to various conflicts of interest, the relationship between communities and primary schools still has many contradictions. 然而,在我国西部农村地区社区的观念仍很淡薄,社区与学校的关系由于种种利益关系的冲突还存在诸多矛盾。
The reason for this dilemma is that the J Community social organization is not strong independence, limited resources, lack of interest and the interests of social organizations drive, lack of participation of members of the J community social organization, and so on. 造成这种困境的原因在于J社区的社会组织独立性不强、资源有限、社会组织的兴趣与利益驱动不够、J社区社会组织的参与成员不足等等。
Meanwhile, not only perfect form of community involvement, and should improve the relevant policy mechanisms or provide support to enhance the awareness and participation capacity of community residents. ( 3) Perfect interest coordination mechanisms and promote stakeholders cooperation. 同时,不仅完善社区参与形式,而且应当完善相关机制或提供相关扶持政策,以提高社区居民参与旅游的意识及能力。(3)完善利益协调机制,促进各利益相关者的合作。
Technological innovation has become a political, economic and technological community of common interest such as a hot topic. It is of great significance to the economic and social development. 企业技术创新已成为政治界、经济界和科技界等社会各界共同关心的热门话题,其对经济社会发展具有重大意义。
Community Participation is one among many focuses in the research on community tourism. Ethnic minority community tourism has become one of the important subjects of the research on community tourism in recent years, while this kind of research is of theoretical interest and also of great relevance. 社区参与是社区旅游研究的焦点之一,近年来在社区旅游的研究中,少数民族社区旅游成为社区旅游研究的重点之一,并且在理论和实践上都具有重要的价值。
Sovereign states in the international community, then the "powers of defined benefit" approach advocated by the Realists, maintenance and grab the national interest would have been from a wide range of resistance. 在国际社会中,主权国家再用现实主义所倡导的以权力界定利益的方法维护和攫取国家利益会遭到来自多方面的阻力。
Community participation is a strategy to protect nature and develop tourism. Which means taking the community as the subject in the process of decision-making and execution for all the important issues as tourism planning and developing in order to protect the interest of the community. 社区参与是一种自然保护与旅游发展战略,是指把社区作为旅游发展的主体进入旅游规划、旅游开发等涉及旅游发展重大事宜的决策、执行体系中,从而达到保护社区利益的目的。
As minority communities can not participate in planning, decision-making process, which did not form one community of interest as the main distribution mechanism. 由于少数民族社区无法参与规划、决策过程,从而没有形成以社区为主体之一的利益分配机制。
With the gradual improvement and mature of our criminal law system, The community of scholars demonstrated interest about criminal individual punishments, so as to get right and proper punishments of crime. 伴随着我国刑法体系的逐步完善与成熟,我国刑法界学者表现出对刑罚个别化浓厚的兴趣,以追求对犯罪人处以正确、适当的刑罚。
However, in the process of rural new community, the status of all interest groups is different in the interest balance due to different allocation of resources and information. 但在农村新型社区建设过程中,各利益主体由于所掌握的资源、信息等不同,在利益博弈中所处地位并不相同。
At present, China is in a period of social transition community, faced with a comprehensive change, means of social control, a corresponding shift in the legislation as a means of regulation of interest also transformation. 目前我国正处于社会转型期,社会面临全面的变迁,社会控制手段也相应发生转变,作为利益调控手段的立法也在发生转型。